Attention High School Counselors, STEM and PLTW Teachers!
The Minnesota Section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) would like to make you aware of two programs we offer for high school students:
Minnesota SWE Certificate of Merit awards
These awards honor Minnesota high school women with outstanding achievement in STEM courses, providing them with recognition and encouragement to pursue careers in STEM fields. Award recipients must be young women who have completed three years of science and three years of mathematics with distinction, and they must be active citizens of the school and/or community. Alternatively, completion of one or more Project Lead the Way modules also qualifies young women for Certificate of Merit recognition.
Counselors and/or science, math, or PLTW teachers submit the names of junior and senior high school women for this recognition program; submissions are due by April 15 each year. In late April, you will receive the certificate(s) for presentation to the selected students at your school award ceremony or other event.
The nomination form can be accessed via this link: COM Nomination Form
For further information, please contact Naomi at
SWE Freshman Scholarship Program
This national program provides over 25 scholarships, ranging in value from $1,000 to $5,000, for women entering college as freshmen to study engineering or computer science. If you have any graduating young women who will be freshmen students in these disciplines, please encourage them to review the eligibility requirements and apply for a scholarship. Detailed information and the complete application are available on SWE’s national website: Go to, and click on the “Scholarships” then “Freshman” tabs. The application must be postmarked by May 15.
The Freshman Scholarship program is run by our national organization;
questions about that program should be directed to