April 2010

VP Spotlight; April Release
Calling all Engineers!  SWE-MN’s last “large” event of the year is coming up!!

Wow! That’s Engineering! Outreach Event
Saturday, April 24, 2010
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Arden Hills Boston Scientific

Whether you are curious about outreach; or a die-hard volunteer – we need you for this event!  Everyone makes a difference; even if you can only volunteer a few hours of your time.

There is more information on this event in the Outreach section of the newsletter.

Love to see you there!! 


February 2010

Huge THANKS to our Wow! That’s Engineering! Sponsors!!

Last month, we asked SWE-MN members to pass out corporate sponsorship letters and we got responses!

Thank you to Xcel Energy for the great donation!  Thank you to SWE Program Development Grant for their support approval!  Thank you to all who participated in this years Holiday Auction!  All of these responses have fulfilled our donation request  - the Outreach Committee is deep into planning and will announce the date for this event very soon!

Highlighting ENGINEERS WEEK:  February 14 – 20

Ladies and Gentlemen – it’s the week you’ve all been waiting for!!

This year, SWE-MN is repeating our ever-famous Spark, Slime Speed!  See details in the Outreach section of the newsletter.  It is a great event at the Science Museum of Minnesota – if you’re new to EWeek, it’s a cannot miss opportunity!

Then, coming February 27 – TECHFEST 2010!!  This event will explore the wonders of Engineering at The Works Museum. 

I highly suggest attending or volunteering in at least one of these great events!!  Engineers Week is our week to highlight our field and teach students how exciting it can all be!  I hope to see you there


January 2010

Help SWE-MN raise corporate funds to sponsor students for Wow! That’s Engineering!  For only $25 per student, we can host this event – but we need YOUR help!  We are looking to our SWE-MN members to take the corporate letter we’ve provided here to their companies and ask for sponsorship.

During tough times, even a 1-student sponsorship helps!  Please pass along the information!


November 2009

What is MFESTS?
The Minnesota Federation of Engineering, Science, and Technology Societies (MFESTS) is an umbrella organization comprised of engineering-related member societies within the State of Minnesota. SWE-MN is one of seventeen societies within the organization. SWE belongs to this organization because MFESTS goals are inline with ours! Some of their specific goals are to facilitate education for professionals, promote STEM within school systems, and promote professionalism within the societies.

How can we utilize MFESTS?
As SWE members, coordination with other technical societies on outreach, professional development, membership, and networking are great ways to expand and grow our resources. SWE-MN committees can rely upon MFEST for added communication, event planning and collaboration, and advertisement. Putting our heads together can help to accomplish more!

As Vice President, I attend MFESTS meetings. If you have any questions; or would like more information, please let me know! You may reach me by email at vp@swe-mn.org

Here is a list of the societies within MFESTS:

  • American Society for Quality -Minnesota Section (ASQ)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers- Minnesota Chapter (ASCE)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Minnesota Section (ASME)
  • Association for Facilities Engineering Twin Cities Section (AFE)
  • Chinese American Information Storage Society - Minnesota Chapter (CAISS)
  • Engineers Club of Minneapolis (ECM)
  • Engineers Society of Saint Paul (ESSP)
  • Honeywell Engineers Club (HEC)
  • INCOSE North Star Chapter
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
  • Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society – Twin Cities Section (ISA-TC)
  • Minnesota Geotechnical Society (MGS)
  • Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE)
  • Society of American Military Engineers - Minneapolis-Saint Paul Post (SAME)
  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers -Saint Paul Chapter (SME-S)
  • Society of Women Engineers - Minnesota Section (SWE-MN)
For more information, visit the MFESTS website at http://www.mfests.org.


October 2009

October marks a busy month for SWE-MN! My spotlight is our National Conference where over 4000 engineers gather and grow! See the COR report for more details!


September 2009

Welcome everyone to the fiscal year FY10! I’m excited to serve as the Vice President this year. I’ve been involved with SWE-MN for over 4 years now and am honored to continue on the E.C. My background in SWE-MN involves 2 years as Outreach co-chair and 1 year on the Council of Representatives. Through these positions, I’ve learned that I love the outreach side of SWE and am looking forward to continuing to work with the committee on activities. I will also be working with the scholarship committee and the university counselors as part of my VP role. My engineering background is both mechanical and biomedical and my current employer is Cardiovascular Systems Inc., in St. Paul, MN.

I am always amazed at the SWE organization for what we accomplish in Outreach, Networking, and Professional Development. This year will be busy and fun. The fall always brings the excitement of the National Conference and Outreach events like Girl Scout Patch Day (my personal favorite)! I hope that the events and activities this year provide great resources and opportunities to our members. If there are any suggestions or questions that you may have, please contact me at vp@swe-mn.org.