Attention all SWE-MN Members, it is election time and I would encourage everyone to exercise their right as a SWE member to vote for your section Executive Council.

The ballot will be sent to you via Survey Monkey the first week of April, so please be on the lookout for the email.  If you do have issues or do not receive the email from Survey Monkey please contact Nicole Danielson-Bartelt, Nominating Committee Chair, at nominating@swe-mn.org.  Voting will be open for 21 days. 

Biographies of all the candidates running for the SWE-MN executive council are listed below.

President:  Angela Neidermire
Vice President:
Lesley Wykoff
Melissa Steigler
Laura Copp
Section Representatives:
Kalyani Mallela, Charlene Willenbring

Thank you and don't forget to vote!

Nicole Danielson-Bartelt
SWE-MN Nominating Committee Chair

Angela Neidermire
(Candidate for President)

Candidate Service Record & Awards
2009-2010: SWE-MN Awards Co-Chair, SWE-MN Counselor to St. Cloud State University
2007-2009: SWE-MN Treasurer
2006-2007: SWE-MN Secretary
2006-2008: Region H Collegiate Leadership Coach
2006-2008: International Participation Committee
2005-2006: SWE-MN Professional Development Seminar Co-Chair
2004-2008: SWE-MN Professional Development Committee
2004-2005: SWE-MN Career Guidance Co-Chair
2003-2009: SWE-MN Career Guidance Committee

2007: Key Contributor SWE-MN Award
2006: SWE-MN awarded Professional Development Event/Series Award for Spring Seminar
2005: Outreach SWE-MN Award

Candidate Biography and Statement
Angela Neidermire was a student member of University of Wisconsin – Madison SWE section and upgraded to professional membership holding the positions in the Minnesota section of Career Guidance Co-Chair, Professional Development Seminar Co-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  She currently serves on the Executive Committee as the Awards Co-Chair, co-hosts the East Metro Lunches, and is the Counselor for St. Cloud State University.  Angela was previously a Region H Collegiate Leadership Coach and a member of the national International Participation Committee.  After graduation with a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering, Angela worked for five years at Imation Corp at the Research and Development facility in Oakdale Minnesota holding various process development and capital project roles before a brief stint in sourcing.  In 2007 Angela joined 3M Office Supplies Division as a Manufacturing Engineer responsible for Flags products new product launches and factory cost improvement projects via supplier management, capital investment, or process enhancement.  Through her engineering roles she has been fiscally responsible for million dollar projects and managing a cross-functional team while providing timely communication across the team and organization.  Besides her corporate and SWE experience, Angela held simultaneously increasing responsibility roles in the American Society of Engineers where she served as the 2008 Chair of the Minnesota section.

After chairing the SWE-MN Career Guidance and Professional Development Seminar committees, Angela realizes their value and program requirements for the organization as two of the largest committees with numerous events that directly impact SWE members and the community.  Her varied and extensive experience in the Minnesota sections makes Angela qualified to understand the activities and skills needed to lead the section through productive operations, growth opportunities for the EC and members, and to provide another exciting year of programs for the organization. 

Lesley Wyckoff  (Candidate for Vice President)

Candidate Service Record & Awards
2008-2010: SWE-MN Outreach Co-Chair
2007-2010: SWE-MN Member

2009: SWE-MN New Faces of Engineering Nominee
2010: SWE-MN Engineer of the Year Nominee (MFESTS)
2010: Region H Outreach SWE-MN Award

Candidate Biography and Statement
Lesley Wyckoff is currently serving as an Outreach Co-Chair for the second year.  As Outreach Co-Chair, she has helped lead SWE-MN’s Signature Outreach events, Girl Scout Patch Day and Spark, Slime, and Speed, as well as many other smaller events such as classroom visits, STEPS camp, and E-4 Conference.  Lesley first joined SWE as a mechanical engineering student at the University of St. Thomas.  She served as President of her collegiate section during her senior year. Being president allowed her to gain valuable experience with her leadership skills, as well as introduce her into the larger SWE Community on local, regional, and national level.  After she graduated, Lesley became a Professional Member of the MN-Section.

Lesley is currently working as a mechanical engineer at Stratasys in Eden Prairie designing 3-D Printers.  At Stratasys, Lesley works as a mechanical engineer in R&D supporting development, manufacturing, as well as internal and external customers.  She has worked at Stratasys for over 2 ½ years. 

Lesley is originally from Memphis, TN and found herself in Minnesota when she attended the University of St. Thomas.  She currently lives in Uptown and loves it.  When she is not busy with SWE, she enjoys being a MN Twins fan, traveling, trying new restaurants, and spoiling her 1 year old niece! 

Melissa Steigler (Candidate for Treasurer)

Candidate Service Records and Awards
2002 – SWE-U of MN Membership Director
2003 – SWE-U of MN Outreach Director
2004 – SWE-U of MN Secretary
2005 – SWE-U of MN Co-President
2007 – Present SWE-MN Collegiate Counselor to UST
2008 – Present National SWE awards committee (DEE and New Faces Award Coordinator)

Candidate Biography and Statement
Melissa Stiegler has been a member of SWE since 2001.  She was active with the collegiate section throughout her time at school.  As outreach director, she helped plan a Girl Scout day to introduce girls to engineering and science.  As secretary, she helped introduce an event called SWE week to recruit freshman girls into the SWE section.  She has always tried to be involved with SWE as much as possible and give back to the organization that has given her so much.  Upon graduation, Melissa serves as the collegiate counselor to the University of St. Thomas and acts as their liaison to the professional section. Melissa started her career at Emerson Process Management – Rosemount Measurement Division as a design engineer.  She is currently a Marketing Engineer in the Wireless group.  Melissa graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.  She will complete her MBA from the Carlson School of Management in May. 

As SWE-MN Treasurer, Melissa’s goal is to properly maintain the SWE-MN budget for the fiscal year.  She is organized and committed to this role.  She plans to use her education in financial management and decision making to help ensure the best decisions are made for SWE-MN. 

Laura Copp (Candidate for Secretary)

Candidate Service Record & Awards
2000-2004: SWE-UIUC Outreach Committee member
2004-2007: SWE-CI Professional Development Committee member
2006-2007: SWE-CI Professional Development Committee Chair
2006-2007: SWE-CI Region H conference planning committee
2007-2008: SWE-MN Professional Development Committee member
2008-2009: SWE-MN Professional Development Committee Co-Chair

Candidate Biography and Statement
Laura Copp has been a member of SWE since 2000.  From 2000 to 2004, she was an active member of the Outreach Committee, where she helped plan and execute various activities to introduce children to engineering.  In 2004, Laura became a professional member of the Central Illinois SWE Section, where she was a member of the Professional Development Committee.  In 2006 she was selected as the Professional Development Committee Chair, where she implemented events and a book club.  In 2007, Laura transferred the SWE-MN section, and once again became a member of the Professional Development Committee.  Laura is currently the FY09 Professional Development Co-Chair for SWE-MN.  As Co-Chair, Laura has planned professional development events for SWE-MN members, and organized the SWE-MN Annual Professional Development Seminar.  This annual seminar is one of SWE-MN’s largest events, and showcased 12 diverse speakers speaking on a wide range of topics.  Laura started her career at Caterpillar as a Plastics Engineer in Peoria, IL.  Laura is currently a Supplier Development Engineer at Caterpillar Paving Products, where she works with external suppliers on reactive and proactive quality improvement.  Laura graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2004 with a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering.

As SWE-MN Secretary, Laura’s goal is to maintain the current frequent communication to SWE-MN members, while using member feedback to update current communication methods to fit member needs in the best way possible.  Laura will work closely with the SWE-MN webmaster to continue to improve the way in which members can obtain information about the SWE-MN programs and events.  Laura’s experience as Professional Development Co-Chair has provided her with organizational skills and in-depth knowledge of how SWE-MN functions as an overall organization that will be valuable as she works to maintain, generate, and communicate information to SWE-MN members.

 Charlene Willenbring (Candidate for Section Representative)

Candidate Service Record & Awards
2009-2010: Section Representative
2009-2010: Region H Nominating Committee member
2006-2010: Counselor to University of Minnesota collegiate section
2007-2009: SWE-MN Professional Development Committee Member
2006-2007: SWE-MN Nominating Committee Chair
2005-2006: SWE-MN Membership Co-Chair
2002-2003: University of Minnesota collegiate section Co-President

2009: SWE-MN Most Dedicated Member Award
2009: SWE-MN New Faces of Engineering Nominee
2007: SWE-MN Professional Spirit Award
2006: SWE-MN Most Active New Member Award

Candidate Biography and Statement
Charlene has been an active member of the Professional Section of SWE-MN since 2004.  She is currently a Section Representative and is serving her fourth year as the Counselor for the University of Minnesota.  Previously, Charlene has been a member of the Professional Development Committee and a Membership Co-Chair, where under her co-leadership the SWE-MN Professional Section won the national award for Outstanding Membership Program.  Prior to joining the SWE-MN section, Charlene was very active in the University of Minnesota collegiate section of SWE holding many positions including: section Co-President, Career Fair Director, and Scholarship Director. 

Charlene is a Project Engineer for Goodrich Sensors and Integrated Systems, which is a leading provider of sensors and sensor based systems for flight control, flight deck and engine control systems.  She currently is leading the design of an outside air temperature sensor to be used on the Airbus A350 commercial aircraft.  Charlene graduated in 2003 with her BS in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics from the University of Minnesota.

Charlene is interested in serving a section term as Section Representative to continue to expand her knowledge of SWE at a Regional and National level.  She has enjoyed being the Minnesota section’s link to the Region and Region Senators and wishes to continue to serve as that communication line.  Charlene has an enthusiasm about SWE and will effectively represent the interests of the Minnesota section.

Kalyani Mallela (Candidate for Section Representative)

Candidate SWE Service Record & Awards
2008 - 2009: SWE-MN Professional Development and Outreach Committee Member
2009 - 2010: SWE-MN Outreach Committee Co-chair

Candidate Biography and Statement

Kalyani Mallela has been a member of SWE since 2008. In 2008, she was an active member of both Professional Development and Outreach Committees. As a member of Professional Development Committee she actively participated in the planning and organization of the Professional Development Spring Seminar. As a member of Outreach Committee she was a lead for electrical engineering related experiments of the two SWE-MN signature events, Girl Scout Patch Day and Spark Slime and Speed where she was responsible for designing the lesson plan, training the volunteers and teaching the kids. She also participated in other school visits to teach middle school girls science experiments. Kalyani is currently the FY10 Outreach Co-Chair for SWE-MN. As Co-Chair, Kalyani planned and organized two large scale events catering to about 150 girls teaching them science experiments related to different engineering fields and also expose them to some panel discussions (for girl scouts and for under privileged girls). She is still actively involved with school visits.

Kalyani started her career at Transoma Medical as a Software Engineer. She is currently with Boston Scientific as a Software Engineer, where she works with cross functional teams to develop efficient system requirements from a set of user needs and then validating them. She is passionate about Diversity and Inclusion at Workplace and is involved with various Employee Resource Groups and participates in recruiting visiting different conferences and schools. She is also part of the STEM Council at work. She obtained her Bachelors degree from India and graduated from University of Minnesota Twin Cities with a Masters in Electrical Engineering.

As SWE-MN Section representative, Kalyani’s goal is to focus on local and regional society concerns, programs and systems while being a voice of the Minnesota Section members. She will report the information and business of the Society to the Minnesota members and act as the official contact between the Region H Senators and Minnesota Section. Kalyani’s experience of being an active member of SWE-MN and member of the Executive Committee of SWE-MN has provided her with organizational skills and in-depth knowledge of how SWE-MN functions as an organization that will be valuable as she works to be the voice Minnesota Section members.